Η Κεφαλονίτισσα ηθοποιός του Χόλιγουντ Έλλη Πατρικίου, μπαίνει στη μεγάλη οθόνη και σε πρωταγωνιστικό ρόλο στην ταινία “The Soul Eater”!

Η Κεφαλονίτισσα ηθοποιός του Χόλιγουντ, Έλλη Πατρικίου, μπαίνει στη μεγάλη οθόνη και σε πρωταγωνιστικό ρόλο στην ταινία “The Soul Eater”.
H ταινία πρόκειται να κυκλοφορήσει φέτος, μέσω της μεγάλης εταιρίας διανομής του Χόλιγουντ “Lionsgate”!
Η συγκεκριμένη εταιρία έχει δημιουργήσει σημαντικές ταινίες όπως: The Hunger Games, Twilight, American Psycho, La La Land, Knives Out..
Στην ταινία “The Soul Eater” ωπρωταγωνιστούν οι ηθοποιοί Jason R. Moore - Damon (The Punisher, First Kill, The Quad, The Sorcerer’s Μαθητευόμενος), Justin Welborn (Δικαιωμένος, Άθεος, The Final Destination), Neil Cole - Jarrod (R.E.M. από το MTV, το Dark Ditties παρουσιάζει το «Dad», το Dirt Rally), Denitza Diakovska - J (Compulsion, Thou Shalt Not Kill).
Η ταινία "The Soul Eater" (παλαιότερα γνωστό ως The Chain) προέρχεται από την Ιταλική διασημότητα και βραβευμένο σκηνοθέτη, Stefano Milla (Richard The Lionheart), Kingdom of Gladiators, Gladiator Games, Solid State).
Η ταινία βασίζεται στον Ιταλό εγκληματολόγο Cesare Lombroso «The Soul Eater», (1835-1909) που επινόησε την ξεπερασμένη πλέον θεωρία ότι η εγκληματικότητα καθορίζεται από φυσιολογικά χαρακτηριστικά.
Η ταινία διαδραματίζεται σε δύο διαφορετικές χρονικές περιόδους και σε δύο διαφορετικές χώρες, 1η) τη δεκαετία του 1800 στο Τορίνο της Ιταλίας, 2η) την σημερινή εποχή στο Λος Άντζελες της Καλιφόρνια. Και οι δύο χρονικές περίοδοι ενώνονται μεταξύ τους.
Η Έλλη Πατρικίου έχει κάνει επίσης σημαντικές δουλειές όπως το «Silent Life: The Story of the Lady in Black» σε σκηνοθεσία του βραβευμένου σκηνοθέτη Vladislav Alex Kozlov, όπου υποδύεται, την μπαλαρίνα του 1920, Vera Fredova.
Ακολουθεί ο πρωταγωνιστικός ρόλος της Ελλη στην ταινία “The Sentinel” που έχει οριστεί να κυκλοφορήσει μέχρι το τέλος του 2023.
Ευχόμαστε τα καλύτερα στην Ελλη που μας κάνει χαρούμενους για την σημαντική ανέλιξή της στο Χόλιγουντ!
Οι σελίδες της στα Μέσα Κοινωνικής Δικτύωσης
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/elliepatrikios/?hl=en
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/elliepatrikios/
Επιμέλεια Γιώργος Χαλαβαζής
Παρακάτω μία πρόσφατη συνέντευξή της σε εφημερίδα του Λος Αντζελες
1 - What attracted you to "Soul Eater" and what do you feel is the main message of the film?
I was first introduced to the film with a short synopsis, an intense character bio for the lead role ‘Kate Roberts’, and an insight into the script with an audition monologue. This character was much older than I was, and had been through a mother’s grief, losing a child in a tragic event. Although we are so different in age and circumstance, I felt immediately drawn to her emotionally. I was undergoing my own emotional trauma at the time, dealing with my own grief, and I felt especially able to connect with this character.
To me, the main message of the film was about ‘coming together’, ‘teamwork’. The film is a puzzle-piece and draws together parallels of two worlds that come together through a seance (Will explain more of this later on in the Q&A).
2 - What were some of the challenges involved in shooting the film and how did you prepare for the role? Did you do research or train heavily in the gym for physical scenes, for instance?
I remember doing a ton of research into what a Forensic Photographers day-to-day life is like. My research consisted of finding people in the field, asking questions about their job and also their personal lives and what they emotionally take from their work home with them and how they deal with that, because let’s face it, it is a pretty gruesome job and can certainly have an effect on the mind. Kate is American, I am British, so I practiced my American accent in my daily life, going to Ralph’s, chatting to the cashier (if she didn’t ask where I was from, I was getting it right!). The challenge I faced was using a prop gun, because I had no education on this subject or prior training, so I didn’t feel I could fully impersonate a realistic recoil without going in and using a real gun at a gun range to better understand the weight of this weapon, and how my body reacts to firing.
3 - What is "Soul Eater" about and who are the main leads in the film. I couldn't find the movie in your credits or on IMDB. Also, who directs the movie?
The film Soul Eater (formerly known as The Chain) comes from Italian celebrity and award-winning director, Stefano Milla ( https://www.imdb.com/name/nm3375413/) (Richard The Lionheart, Kingdom of Gladiators, Gladiator Games, Solid State). The feature is based on Italian Criminologist Cesare Lombroso “The Soul Eater”, (1835-1909) who devised the now-outmoded theory that criminality is determined by physiological traits. The film takes place in two different periods of time, and two different countries, 1) the 1800’s in Turin, Italy, 2) Present Day in Los Angeles, CA, and the two time periods are joined together through seance.
The main leads are; stars Netflix’s First Kill, Marvel’s Punisher Jason R Moore (https://www.imdb.com/name/ nm2773505/?ref_=tt_cl_t_1) , British Actor Neil Cole (https:// www.imdb.com/name/nm1685643/) R.E.M. by MTV, Dark Ditties Presents ‘Dad’, Justin Welborn (https://www.imdb.com/name/ nm0919482/ ) Justified, Godless, The Final Destination, The Signal. Italian Actress Denitza Diakovska (https://
www.imdb.com/name/nm7593030/?ref_=tt_cl_t_3 ) Compulsion, Thou Shalt Not Kill.
4 - What kinds of films do you like to do? Do you prefer period dramas, for instance or romantic comedies, for instance? Is there a type of film you haven't done you that you'd love to do, like a musical or horror film, maybe?
I am a sucker for period dramas. I love a good rom-com and definitely see myself being in one in the near future, that alongside a Musical film, absolutely!
5 - What was the best part of doing "Soul Eater" and what was the energy like working with the other actors and director?
The best part was walking into set every day with a new opportunity to challenge myself. It was such a good, comfortable workspace, the rest of the cast and crew were kind, motivated and supportive, Jason my co-star was always a pleasure to work with, and Stefano the director really helped bring me into the moment of each scene, whilst also giving me the freedom to perform.
6 - How did you like working on "The Sentinel" and what attracted you to the film? Are you a big fan of science fiction or fantasy films?
I’ve always been a fan of Science fiction and dystopian topics in film and literature, so working on a film of this genre was an absolute blast for me, a pure outlet to let my imagination run wild and free! I was attracted to this film’s storyline which opens up to humans in refugee on a secret base on the Moon after almost all of humankind was extinguished from an alien invasion. Three heroes get sent on a mission from the government to go back to Earth and save the survivors, but what they don’t know is there is a huge surprise there waiting for them, and getting back to safety is going to be their new mission.
7 - Did you have to learn any special skills for that film or work on doing stunts or other physical acting? Did you work with any imaginary aliens on a green screen?
There were certainly a number of stunts involved that I had to train with whilst wearing fitted heavy armor, that alongside holding a gun and being tactile. I remember working with a group of people who trained in the Martial the first few days on set with how to run, jump, fall all with a gun in my hands. The physical green screen acting took place in a space shuttle, where the three of us (Jason R Moore, Neil Cole, and I) had to act like we were going through the G-Force down to Earth. That was a lot of fun but challenging to stay synchronized as we weren’t able to see one another through the helmets we were wearing. When it came to fighting aliens, we had the real deal, an actor wearing the full gear that looked very realistic!
8 - What was the best part of working on this film? Had you done any science fiction in the past and how were you able to put your mind into that futuristic world to perform that role?
The best part of working on this film was getting to explore a new type of character. Robyn is a badass lead, she is wild and free, however when push comes to shove, her vulnerability shines through. It was incredible to play a character that had never set foot on Earth, as Robyn was the one character that was born on the Moon. So being able to imagine Earth as this brand new world was very special for me.
The only thing I had ever done in the nature of Science Fiction was Lorin Maazel’s adaptation of George Orwell’s ‘1984’ directed by Robert Lepage as an Opera performed at the Royal Opera House, and having always been a fan of dystopian, science fiction it was easy to put my mind into a futuristic world.
9 - What kinds of roles attract you? Villains, empowered women who challenge authority or perhaps angry women with a chip on their shoulder?
I have always been attracted to autobiographical roles, like Erin Brockovich. But it would certainly be interesting to one day play a Villain.
10 - How did you approach working on "Silent Life" and did you do a lot of reading into the life of Rudolph Valentino? How challenging was that role for you since it dealt with people from 100 years ago?
I had been cast for the role of Vera Fredova a day before shooting, so I did do as much research that permitted with limited time. I mainly researched people of the 1920’s and old Hollywood. I had a good background already of education on this subject but I always need to refresh my brain, especially going into a role that takes place during a different time, to understand the circumstances, what was going on in the world at that time, what the attitude was like, manners, morals, etc.. I definitely did more research after shooting, on Rudolphs life.
It was great to re-enact this real life ballerina (who lived just down the road from me!) I got to use simple ballet skills I had been trained in from my previous school in England, which was really great going in knowing what I was doing.
11 - Did you see any parallels between Hollywood of that time and now? How did you like working with your co-stars in that film?
From the costumes, to the hair and make-up, to the smell of the old Hollywood building with its rickety wooden hallways that led to a dance studio we used to film this scene in, old Hollywood came to life, and the actors embraced it. My co-star Chad Doreck (Hollywood, Westworld, Saved by the Bell) plays Theodore Kosloff; a Russian ballet dance, choreographer and film and stage actor. Our scene portrays an affaire between Vera and Theodore that becomes a pivotal moment in the storyline when Theodore’s partner walks in to the studio to find us, as she then undergoes a journey in a different direction which links into Rudolph Valentino’s life.
12 - Where did you grow up and how did you get interested in becoming an actress?
I grew up on a Greek Island called Kefalonia. I always thought I would grow up to become an Archeologist because I had great interest in finding Fossils with my parents friends I looked upto who are Archeologists. Further from collecting fossils, I was always putting on shows. Shows I’d perform to my parents, family, friends, other people in the village. Telling real stories I had either witnessed that day, or made-up stories I would imagine. I was definitely a story-teller from a young age.
In 2000 John Madden was directing Captain Corelli's Mandolin starring Penelope Cruz, Nicholas Cage, John Hurt.. I was 7 at the time. Because the island is so small, I was sort of introduced to film on the outskirts, watching some of the scenes take place in a small town called Lassi, and hearing the director call “Action”. It was exhilarating. One night at a Greek Taverna the cast and crew were having their dinner nearby my parents and I. They were all so friendly and talkative, and I remember it was after sitting with Penelope Cruz and chatting, she told me she is an actress, and what that entailed, that was the defining moment I knew my story telling would be as an actress. I was still so young, but very ambitious.
13 - Who were your early inspirations for becoming an actress? Which films made a big impact on you early on? My early inspirations were Nicole Kidman, Tom Hanks, Meryl Streep, Snow White (I’m not kidding. She was very real to me but we don’t have to add that in) and I’ll never forget Baz Lurman’s ‘Moulin Rouge’. I couldn’t believe my eyes. From the colors, to the music, the epic and tragic love story told so boldly in this colorful yet bleak world, I was stunned! Later on as a teenager, the films Fight Club and City Of God had a huge impact on me and my love for film and storytelling.
14 - What other interests did you have growing up and where did you go to college? What did you study there? I was always interested in Archeology, Anthropology, Geography, Science, and storytelling in any format. I loved Documentaries growing up and Musical Films the most. I went to college in England at a boarding school called “Tring Park School For The Performing Arts” formerly known as “Arts Educational School”. There I studied the arts; musical theatre, drama, dance, alongside general academics and French as my foreign language class.
15 - How many brothers and sisters do you have and did your parents support you dream of becoming an actress? I am an only child. (Sadly)
I feel very fortunate to say that my parents have always strongly supported my dream of becoming an actress.
16 - When did you decide to move to the U.S. and what was it like to make connections here and start getting roles? What lessons did you learn once you got here after getting your first roles?
I moved to the U.S. when I was 19 to undergo my Bachelor’s Degree majoring in Film and Acting at The New York Film Academy based in Los Angeles, CA.
I graduated in 2015 and was granted a year to work in the field of entertainment as an actress. I was extremely ambitious and put myself out there a lot! I had put myself on nearly every casting site, and for the first for months applied to nearly every job
that I fit the category for as I was desperate for footage to compile a reel together. Through a series of jobs; a lot of extra work, being a production designer, doing set design, I managed to make connections, and one job led to another. I got signed with a manager, who would put me in the right doors, receiving roles that took me around the Globe, and landed me a guest-starring role on a network TV series on FX show called Snowfall, where I played Bridgette.. It really was a great first year for me, which opened the door for me to work here on an Artists Visa.
17 - What are your social media links?
IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm5057757/?
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/elliepatrikios/?hl=en Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/elliepatrikios/